
Monday, February 20, 2017

Hanging with the nephew.

We have quite a bit of family that live out of state, sadly we don't get to see them near enough. My sister Kimmie, and her sons, live in Cali...we haven't seen them since our Disney trip 4 YEARS ago. I was so excited when my ex brother in law messaged me letting me know he and my nephew Braydon would be in town. I love that even though he and my sister are no longer together...and sometimes don't get along all that well he believes family is important and makes an effort for his sons to keep in touch with us. All you ex's out there could take a lesson...keep it classy and think about your kids. Thanks Rob, we sure loved getting to see you all, and spending some quality time with Braydon.

The cousins being silly.

Such a cute bunch!
After a nice lunch it was time for some fun and games!
My little Mario fan was so happy to see this game.
Xander loved playing shooting games with his Cousin.

He beat me...well they were in town for a basketball tourney LOL.

Xan has been talking up motorcycles lately. He ya go son...this is as close as you will ever get if your mother has anything to say about it.

It is on! OK he beat me at this too LOL.

Silly selfie time!

Group hugs!

We had such a great afternoon. I hope we get to see you guys sooner rather than later. Love ya XOXOX!!

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