
Saturday, May 20, 2017

First time on the ice.

Busy day today...started off with a wee wittle snake. Hayden loves snakes.

Hailee not so much...this was as close as she would get.

Rowan was brave and actually held it!

First ice skating Bday party for Kenzie. Rowan is that a look of happiness?
This was Xan, Hayden, Lily and Jericho's first time on the ice. They were troopers!
Lily and Michele being silly.
Birthday girl Kenzie, what a fun party.
Hayden and Xander picked it up pretty quick.
Jericho used a little help...of course he had to do the no hands thing.

Go Xan!

Jason hit the ice...I didn't know he could skate, but really what can't the man do.

Lily used a little help from her friendly seal friend...but she stuck with it.
Jason gave all the kids rides around the rink.
Of course there was spinning involved.

They were all pooped by the end of skate time.

Way to go Hailee!

Rowan didn't love ice skating, but she cheered the others on.
Adam joined Jason and gave the kids fun rides.

Grub time...they all worked up an appetite for sure.

Yummy sucker Lydia...such a cutie.
We finished off the day at Out Of This World Pizza....more energy burning for the munchkins. We are going to have some tired kids tonight!
Tyler and his mini me cousin Xander.

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