
Friday, May 19, 2017

Love their visits!

My sister and nieces arrived last night...I love when they visit, but a year between is just too dang long. Cousin Hailee joined us too. The kids had a hard time going to sleep last night...they were all ready to get out and meet all the critters today.

Little baby bunnies...big hit with the kiddos.
Rowan has gotten so big.
Lydia is still a bitty cutie pie.
Hailee loved the buns.
Lily too...even when she got peed on LOL.
Matilda was happy to meet the kids.
Everyone loved meeting baby Molly.

Molly got lots of hugs today.

Silly kids....those are the goats climbing toys.

Matilda got some more scratches.

A game of "500"...these kids are brutal to catch that football and get the points.

Lily thought a hike of the "Washington Trail" would be fun. Almost everyone agreed. Getting to the starting point at the back of our property was half the fun.

Jericho had quite the collection of snails.
The hike was pretty much a failure, the crew still had fun.

In other expensive news....Both OJ and Pepe have had to see the Doc this week. OJ has been fighting an upper resp. infection for a while...he was doing well, then it got the best of him. Thankfully his blood work looked great and he got some hopefully he can kick this for good and put on the 3 lbs he has lost. Pepe, who weighed in at a whopping 2 lbs 14 oz, we were worried he ate something he shouldn't and got a blockage. The kids have been super careful but he managed to snag a bit of plastic anyway. Good news the vet said not looking like a blockage at this time...irritated throat. That was $260 I didn't plan on spending on animals. Ok critters enough vet visits already. Ugh. Fingers crossed we don't need to go back for a long while.

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