
Sunday, July 23, 2017

Hurry it up!

Darn it...I think I'm going to have to keep Gaga too. Don't tell my husband, she will just blend and he will never notice. She loves me, she is the sweetest baby goat ever!

Love hanging out with the goats...always find neat stuff.

Little Molly, not so little anymore.

Alright Heidi...if you could kid in the next 2 days I would really appreciate it. I put her due date down as 7/24 so we shall see. I took these today, I don't think she can get any bigger for a little first time momma.

Her udder is really coming in now.

I'm so excited to see her kids...please give me girls!

Oh little momma, you look so uncomfortable.

Classy has been feeding her twins for 1 week now, not a bad second time udder.

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