
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Ups and downs.

Today has been great...the last couple not so much. Today Kitsune got to meet the baby goats.
She did pretty good, though Classy wanted to attack if she even looked at the babies too closely LOL.

No, it is not the big bad wolf.
Such a doting momma.

The cuties are getting big.

Today was a good day to meet the sheep again too. She did well, once I convinced the people helping me work her that their "training aids" (PVC poles and bottles filled with rocks) were just toys to Kitsune and were pulling her focus off the sheep, we got rid of those and she got down to business. She ended up tearing 3 paw pads...1 pretty badly, but she had a blast. Hope she heals up quickly so we can go back.

So after Jericho mildly complained about a tooth on Tuesday morning, by Tuesday evening his face was swelling...we hit urgent care. None of us could see any cavaties...and he just had a clear check up 3 months ago, so the Doc thought it was a salivary gland and would go away on its own. Wednesday his face was more swollen so we hit the dentist anyway, they found that he does have a cavity and put him on antibiotics to get things under control before working on the tooth. The dentist told Jason if the swelling continued and reached above his eye to get to the hospital right away because Jericho would have 3 days to get it under control before the swelling could possibly kill him...something about shutting off flow and the infection reaching the brain. . Thursday morning Jericho woke up way worse. We took him to the hospital, freaking out...hoping the dentist was overly dramatic, but scared. I guess he was not over reacting that it could be deadly. They got him on a second antibiotic and by the next morning it was already so much better. He will get the tooth pulled Tuesday, thankfully it is just a baby tooth. I hope his adult teeth are stronger. Poor is a look at the progress of his face.

We had a tiny visitor in the house. Relocated her to the garden...hopefully this is a good sign.

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