
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Playing with babies.

Jericho and Lily met the newbies today.
Bridget has been the more stand offish of the two, this was the first time she actually seemed to enjoy being held. Looks like Lily made a friend.

Gaga is just the sweetest little thing...she is really working me to stay LOL.

Gosh she is cute!
Classy is such a great momma.

Her udder is coming in nicely.

The other girls taking a break in the shade.

Nap time.

And nap is time.

Checking out Pepe...momma is a bit protective, the babies are excited to see something their size.

Heidi is starting to pull away from Lulu...I think she will for sure kid before her sister. Hopefully in the next 4 or 5 days.

New batch of chicks!
Willow is so grown up now...need to try and get some new pics of her. She is so cute and fluffy. Sadly I think something got Giles, we haven't seen him in about 3 weeks, he never is gone more than a day or two. I'm so sad...he was such a sweet boy.
Poor Jericho complained about a little tooth ache last night, by tonight his face was starting to swell. Took him to the urgent care and got some antibiotics, he has a Dentist appointment tomorrow. Poor guy, he was just at the Dentist 3 months ago and had zero cavities. Wish us luck.

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