
Monday, August 21, 2017

Cutest babies ever!

Morning checks make me nervous for about the first week. So far so good...everyone alive and kicking this morning. Gosh they are cute. Not only do my adult KuneKune's not root like the AGH's did...but their litters are seriously like a box of chocolates. So many yummy colors and spots. I am in love with these piggies!
They are so itty bitty...each are about the size of a can of Coke. A bit smaller than most KK babies, but to be expected with such a large litter.
One of the 3 gilts. She is a cutie.

Just look at that face!

The girls love these babies.

The little ginger and black girl. She is a cutie too.

Two ginger girls...doesn't get any cuter.
The cream girl. She is staying here with us for sure...she is everyone's fave. We are keeping one of the other 2 girls also, but Matilda's previous owner gets to pick which one she wants first.
Xan and the ginger boy.
Look at that boys shorty short snout.
Another boy.

Quite the litter.

While I was home waiting on piglets...Jason and Grandma were camping with the kids. Under the penalty of death Jason was instructed to take pics for me LOL. Here is a sampling of their fun weekend camping, riding horses and sight seeing at the coast.

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