
Sunday, August 20, 2017

Where were they hiding?

Matilda poor girl finally released the hostages today...TWELVE of them. I was expecting 6, hoping for 8...then she kept going. Usually KuneKune litters are not this large, thankfully she is an experienced mom...hopefully they all make it.

We got a great color break down...but a less than great gender split. 3 adorable double wattled girls...and NINE boys, all but 2 also double wattled. There are 2 creams, 1 solid ginger, 4 ginger and black, and 5 that are brown and white....1 may be a black and white. Can't wait for them to be up and around a bit better tomorrow so I can get some nicer photos.

Jason and the kids got back from their camping trip just as Matilda was done and resting. They were excited to say hello to the new piglets.

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