
Friday, August 25, 2017

Not so great day.

These things never get any easier. We have lost two piglets out of our litter of 12. Such big litters are rare for a reason. Hopefully we don't lose any more.

This guy is a bruiser...biggest in the litter since day 1.

The two girls left...the cream one is Lucy, she will be staying here. Fingers crossed we don't lose her.
These guys are almost a week old now. I have 3 or 4 that are growing well. 3 or 4 don't look like they are doing as well though...hopefully they can catch up.

Piggie pile.

My baby goats are looking so grown up.

Miss Skeeter is doing a great job, she alarms at the slightest out of the norm noise. She is going to be such an asset to our little farm.

Love this pic...10 piglet booties!
2 weeks, give or take, to go. My always crazy fit Dutchie is starting to get a little belly.

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