
Thursday, August 24, 2017

One last summer splash!

School starts back up on Monday. I can't believe summer is almost over, we survived the school break...and I am even more than a little sad to see the munchkins off all day long again.

Today we had our last big fun of the summer at Wild Waves. It was our first time checking the place out...we all had a blast. For sure will be back next summer! We got lucky, the day was gorgeous and the place was actually not packed...we never had to wait in a line longer than 10 minutes. We spent 8 hours there and everyone was wiped by the end.

Grandma joined us...the kiddos had one more weekend sleep over planned at her house following the park.
The girls have learned to spot a cute photo prop when they see one. I didn't instruct them in this one LOL.

We started out on the water slides...spent about 4 hours getting soaked and silly. Not many photos...but I managed to get a few.

The catfish pond...strangest fish.

On to the coaster rides.

Jericho could ride on all but 2 of the rides. Of course the scarier the better.

Such a fun family day!

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