
Sunday, September 3, 2017

Making work fun.

Me and all the kids spent the day in and out of the pig pen playing with the babies...while the guys worked on the last couple of posts for the pole barn. The 10 babies are looking pretty good these days, they are starting to nibble at food now too.

Meadow wants to live here I think LOL.
Queen Bee is still holding out...I guess she wasn't as close to her due date as I thought. Hopefully they will get here with enough time to get good and strong before too much crappy fall weather hits.

Look at those porky babies.

The guys got right to work...even if they were super sore from yesterdays post duty LOL.

The goats wandered through...Kitsune did her job to keep them away.

The kids helped out again today...though carrying 60 lb bags was not a success.

Lily kept busy...she was making poison apple brew and spells LOL.
Everyone had a great yet exhausting weekend. Still lots to do on the barn...but getting all the posts in the ground was one of the hardest parts.

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