
Saturday, September 2, 2017 the ground.

We have posts in the ground! Only 3 years in the making...the pole barn is finally getting closer to being up. All we needed to do was have some friends spend the weekend, Jason got some help, the kids got some fun playmates and I got to have some adult company. Win, win, win! Now, when are you guys coming out again LOL?
The kids got to check out the new piglets.

A bit of a size difference between the biggest and the smallest.
Skeet enjoyed meeting some new friends.
The kids and I left for a brief 4H meeting, took a bunch of donations to our local Humane Society. I was warned to not come home with any new animals LOL.
The work continued.
Xan and Hayden helped a bit.

Meadow couldn't get enough of the piglets.

Thankfully Matilda is starting to behave like her, nicer, old self.

Lucky for Derek and Amy they live inside a city...or Meadow would be taking someone home LOL.


Wooly bears are everywhere.

Almost done. Got a few more posts to get up in the morning. The guys busted their butts. What a day!

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