
Friday, March 2, 2018

Never a dull moment.

Bridget can use some good thoughts. She tried to jump out of their pen and got caught up. I found her hanging by her back legs, who knows how long she had been there. She isn’t using her rear legs at all. Thankfully the vet confirmed my thought that there are no breaks. It appears she has nerve and/or spinal injuries. She has feeling and is eating, drinking and going to the bathroom. She is on 3 days of steroids. Hoping to see a little improvement by then. If not we will have to put her down.

We decided to keep her confined in a stall in the barn to limit her movement...right now she is just dragging her back legs and lays down 99% of the time. Tootsie is going to keep her company for a bit. They seem to have hit it off quite well LOL.

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