
Saturday, March 3, 2018

End of the season.

The last of the snow is trying to hang on...the end of winter is finally near I think. The sun came out today and we got to do a little goat watching. At my 1st goat conference I heard about "Cup of coffee management". Basically sit out and observe your animals for a spell every day, while enjoying a cup of coffee all the better. Now that, HOPEFULLY, the weather is turning for the better I plan to do this. Started today, got some pics of my girls. Can't wait to shave everyone and see what is under all that fluff.

What to do with the last of the snow...make snowballs of course.

Skeet doesn't get to visit with the other dogs much, Kitsune is surprisingly nice to her.

The girls last two games of the season were today. We didn't make a lot of progress this year, but everyone had fun. Next year Hayden is hoping to get on a more advanced team. Lily hasn't decided if she is going to play again or not.

Pizza party after with the team. Looking forward to next season already!

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