
Sunday, April 22, 2018

Playing with babies!

I hope you are ready for baby goat spam. I have 3 furry adorable subjects and the sun is out!
These guys are so cute...all 6 of them.
Heidi is such a pretty girl, Hayden wants to try showing goats...I may let her give it a shot with Heidi.
These sisters are so sweet.

Cute little buckling.

My heart...can't take it. She is darling.

Hayden giving goat yoga a go.
So funny.

Jericho came out to see the babies.
Funny boys.

Oh the challenges...3 babies, two nipples. I feel you Heidi.

You had all weekend, two DAYS to do this is the DAY time when I had help. Now Sunday night you decide to go into labor. Six hours of hard tiring labor.
Thankfully she had a wonderful easy birth, healthy pups and gave me a lot of boys again. 6 boys and 3 girls...just like last time.

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