
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Very punctual Heidi, thanks!

I was on goat midwife duty today, so I had to stay home while Jason took the kids to Hayden's soccer game and then took the crew to a birthday party after. They had a great time...and came home to new baby goats.

Our first babies of the year...Heidi gave us adorable triplets! They are tiny, but seem healthy thankfully. 1 buck and two does!
Heidi for the win...2 does and a buck, on her due date, and a day time delivery. Thanks girl!

She did not look big enough to be carrying triplets, I have no idea where they were hiding LOL.
Yup not getting anything done tonight.
The girls are on my lap, the little boy next to me on the floor.

Already picked my fave...I think this little girl is staying here.
Today's funny...
I was inside, over the baby monitor I hear the following while the kids are looking at the baby goats.
Jericho: Are they dead?
Xander: No they are just resting, they just shot out of the vagina they are tired.

Had I been drinking something I would have ended up wearing it. LMAO!

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha That last part is great!! I would have kept the same one. She's pretty!!
