
Sunday, October 14, 2018

It's a zoo out there.

Coffee run. Finally bought a D Bros cup...just doing my part to limit the coffee cups in the land fill.
My copilot approves.
Home Depot already has Christmas decorations up...they still have Halloween going on too. Baya enjoyed checking out the spooky decor.

Did ultrasounds at an exotic animal farm today. Never knew kangaroos were as soft as rabbits. So cool. This is Taz.

Poor Quincy is still doing every other day bandage changes. No huge improvements yet. Vet recheck in a week.

Had a great day....until I got home and the girls told me Jericho their 7 year old pesty brother accidentally let Lycan and Kitsune out together. While she is in heat. Gosh darn it. Fingers crossed she doesn't take...I really don't want to have a winter litter. I was hard on him for it...but not too hard as he didn't mean to. Kitsune will be fine...she bounces back incredibly well, just wanted to take a break. Guess I will be giving her an ultrasound in about 30 days.

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