
Saturday, October 13, 2018

Monsters and Melted chocolate.

Hayden and Jericho both scored goals today. Seemed like a perfect day for their first fondue experience. Downtown Portland is always a little nutty...every time we go there it reminds me all over again why I love living in the country! Fun spot for a little pizza and a drink first.

We decided to just do appetizers and dessert at the fondue place. The kiddos enjoyed it...but of course dessert was the big hit.

Yup...big fans!
Love this drink, order it every time I have been here.
Coconut rum, mango puree, pineapple juice and a dash of cinnamon. Mmm Mmm good!
After dessert we thought we would go check out some Halloween fun. We can count Lily out of hitting up any haunted houses in the future. Such a weenie, Xander wasn’t much better. Have a feeling I’ll be seeing 4 kids in my bed tonight. She straight screamed at the first scary alien monster that popped out and refused to budge a step further...Jason had to take her out the front.

Trying to cheer up the girl who said "Sorry, I was born with the gift of fear" LOL.

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