
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mom!!

Happy Momma! Wish all the beautiful flowers and plants my wonderful kids gave me luck, they are gonna need it LOL.

Some of the stuff the kids made me at school.

Yes, little man, use your powers for good!

Hayden finished up her Basketball today too. It was a rough tournament bracket for this team. They won their last game today, by a lot. Always nice to end a season on a win. Good job girls!

Such a lovely day!

Bella and Baya...the names are way too close, we screw them up all the time. Poor girls are not going to know who is who soon LOL.

Bella is doing fairly well. Getting a lot of family time, learning to listen to females and enjoying the farm life. She is still very very possessive of her crate and run, and still wants to come up the leash if she doesn't agree with a correction, but at least she usually thinks better of it and stops herself. No decisions made on her future yet though.

The boys are enjoying the beautiful day! Already inseparable.

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