
Saturday, May 11, 2019


Little fun at the arena today. Hayden and I hung out watching Dani and everyone else do barrel rucing and poles. I think today awakened a barrel racer in Hayden LOL.
She got to go for a little ride on Dani's mare, Penny.

Looked like a lot of fun...and everyone can go at their own pace. Maybe be fun to try Tucker and Scooter and see if they enjoy it.

Xander’s team won their game today, 10 wins and only two losses so far this season!

Jason took Lily and Jericho to a bday party for Lily’s BFF.

Bella update... so today we took a car ride (our last one from the airport was full of growls from the crate). She rode fantastic loose...didn't bark at cars, people or dogs around our car. We went in to Wilco...she didn't react to anything around us. She pulls like crazy, she knows heel...but staying in a heel is another story I guess LOL. My poor thumb was not having the pulling. Put a prong on her for the first time...she freaked a bit, wanted to come up the leash but stopped herself. She is not used to it enough for serious work...but it did help with the pulling. She took some treats **from ME not strangers**, and is very gentle doing so. So far today was good. I did buy a muzzle, her nails are awful...I don't think she "allowed" her family to trim them, we will be working on that this evening. I bought the muzzle just so I would not involuntarily flinch if (/when...I am sure) she puts up a stink giving her the idea she can bully me. Don't mind her busted eye...she tried her bullying crap on her mother, didn't go her way. Funny enough I think having her alpha mother around here has kind of calmed Bella a she feels better/safer with someone else in that role. She is doing great respecting Jason and I now 90% of the time.

Got my stitches out. Can’t get too crazy yet, but I’ve graduated to steri-strips!

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