
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Day 2.

Hayden's game show day 2...she did so great with Dani's help. She was able to do more and more without Dani actually holding Scooter. Sadly a horse broke its leg during an event and had to be shot, thank goodness Hayden was not with me watching when it happened. Sure makes you thankful when you and your horse make it through in one piece.

There are 4 different events per day. With some down time between each.

Dani and her horse Harley.

Hayden and Scooter did great today!

He sure is a good old boy, Hayden will need a step up in a year or so. It is going to be so hard for her to build this trust and bond with another horse. She loves him so much.

Our friends bought Hayden a very fun necklace for Scooter to wear.

The NOT so fun parts of horse ownership...scraping bot fly eggs off your pony.

Snack break.

They kept getting faster and faster.

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