
Sunday, September 1, 2019

Day 3!

Day 3 of the game show, the longest of them all. You don't get out before dark LOL.
Dani and Harley did great.

Hayden's day 3 of the game show was probably her best yet.
There were 16 kiddos in her leadline group, she placed as high as 4th twice, over all got 10th.
Not too shabby for a newbie...with a great teacher. Next time we will be moving up out of the "leadline" group...she really didn't need it, just some more confidence.

Fun between runs.

The flag event was great...dangerous for Dani, but so funny.

When you turn and take off for home a little faster than your coach expects, and almost run her over LOL.

Hayden's prize bucket...she can not wait to go again!

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