
Sunday, October 10, 2021

Drill Team!

Hayden and I, and the girls, tried something new to all 4 of us tonight. This was our first Drill practice. We aren’t ready to officially join, but will be able to practice with these gracious ladies once a week. Cinder and Brandy did really well, TONS of room for improvement, but it was a lot of fun! I was nervous, trying something new, new place, new horses. I kept hearing my friend/trainer in my head. “Ride them like you know them to behave.” I'm still gaining confidence that I lost during the Tucker years, so I seem to always expect the worst. So proud to have survived it and had a good time to boot. Hayden and I both really liked it, Hayden and Cinder could really pursue it. Brandy didn’t like being near the other horses, made her nervous and move away...though she handled it pretty well and didn't do anything naughty. She also doesn’t like to lope...and Drill is all about fast paced maneuvers. So two major issues for her Drill future LOL. I do think continuing to practice with the team we may see improvement, but likely not enough to have a real future in Drill. I had a blast though so we’ll keep showing up and doing what we can … just no performances in our future I’m sure LOL.

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