
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Sports run deep.

Another mice W for the girls yesterday! Hayden‘s coach is a saint, when Hayden is not in a set/game she stares at her coach the whole time like put me in coach put me in …she cracks me up. She is such an intense player, never one to want to sit out. Hard to believe volleyball is almost over and soon basketball will start up.

The football bug has bitten Jericho hard. He is not only a fan of playing, and watching...but even video games now. He was super happy to win the "Super Bowl" told me to take his picture and text it to his Dad LOL.
Good for them, and anyone else that joins the walk outs. Stop trying to force people to get injections. You don’t have the authority. I hope everyone calls your bluff. This is no longer about Covid or public safety for me, this is about freedom and upholding of our rights. Not cool.


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