
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Can't win em all.

The 7th grade teams first loss. Can’t say I was a fan of the refs, felt extremely one sided. None of our girls have been in foul trouble at all this season and today 4 of our 5 starters all fouled out on BS calls, and not a single girl on the other team was even close. I try not to be one of those parents when we lose, but there was way too much ref involvement in this game. Come to find out one of them told the girls this was his first ref gig LOL. He may have been a little gung ho. Oh well, can’t win em all I guess. The girls did a great job none the less.


Monday, November 29, 2021


Hayden and I will be riding with our Drill team in the Longview Christmas parade 12/4. Had to buy black cowboy hats...I know zip about cowboy hats LOL. 
I joined the bangs over botox crowd again LOL. I do want to try botox one of these years though...I just live so far from anywhere that does that kind of thing, bangs are easier. Don't mind my no make up self today. The stylist curled my hair, which I never do, so that part is totally temporary. My wonderful son Jericho laughed, he laughed...if you notice he is not in any photos in the future you know why.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Lets ride.

Hayden and her teammate Karsyn got asked to help out the 8th grade team in their tournament games today. It was just what she needed after yesterdays tough losses. Won the first one, but lost the second. 
Two basketball games weren’t enough. Hayden and Cinder did a 2 hour drill practice. Brandy is still not 100%, so we did a little flag work and light trotting then called it a night. Didn’t push her at all. We don’t know if these girls have carried a flag before, but they sure didn’t seem to mind it at all tonight. Hayden and the others did the warm up drill at the trot while holding flags, she is hanging in there with the others like a little pro. Such good girls.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

First tournament down.

Tourney day for Hayden...that means a morning of watching one of her fave shows. 
Scouting the competition. The two teams we play today played each other first. Then there was an hour break before our girls took on the winner. I was scared watching them, both were very strong teams. Word has it the red team is in from Seattle and the white team from Centralia….neither local at all.
Tough games, the girls lost both. They gave the first team a good run for their money, but then were absolutely exhausted in the back to back second game against an equally tough team. Hayden had a cute cheering section though. Grandma, Great Grandpa, Great Aunt Julie and Great Uncle Ron...Julie brought the cute signs for everyone to wave. 

Hayden was so upset they lost, but she faked a quick smile for a pic with her fan section.
Lots more games to come girls, you will get em next time.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Day.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Yummy food, Jericho showing his cards to Great Grandpa. This years skit was silly as always.

Business Math proctor done, fingers crossed it was good enough for a pass. Medical math and Pharm proctors last things left to do before the externship. Tests are so nerve me.


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

And the kitchen sink.

Hayden is so funny. She has a couple personal basketball goals. One is to beat her 8th grade friends high score record, and the other to get mentioned in the schools morning announcements for her game achievements. So far she hasn’t come close to beating the 8th graders high score, but she has been mentioned after every game. Some of the girls have been given funny nicknames in these announcements and by their coach/team. Hayden is now known as ‘HayHay Buckets Johnson’ LOL. 

Her first HHC tournament is this Saturday 11/27 at Coweeman middle school, they play at 5 pm and again at 6 pm nearby friends and family free to join us and cheer the girls on. Hayden doesn’t think her team has ever won this tourney, they play in it every year…so she is hoping to get the W this year. 
Hayden made this wood pen for me in shop. She got an A, she did a great job!
Added one more supplement to the girls daily snack. I hope you can’t over do the gut aid LOL, they are up to 3 now with this, Magnagard and Outlast. I hope this all helps Brandy with the tummy ache. She never showed any ulcer issues her two months at the ropers. I think Drill is faster paced and more stressful for her, if this doesn't help we are going to have to quit unfortunately.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Almost half way.

Oh semester 2. It's been fun. I took most of the summer off so once again I am playing a little catch up. There were 6 courses in semester 2, plus a 200 hour externship. I have passed three courses with A's. I need to do one last test in the other 3 courses to finish, but currently have A's in those as well. I interviewed with a vet clinic yesterday, and they have agreed to take me on for my 1st externship after the first of the year. So I have a month to finish up those last 3 proctors and get ready to go to work. Eeekkk. I still have 2 more semesters to do...slow and steady.

Hayden got her volleyball pics back...she can't wait for next year already,


Monday, November 22, 2021

Like a boss.

Hayden almost had her first triple double tonight. She scored 15 pts, had 13 rebounds and 9 blocks. Way to kick butt Cougars 47 to 34. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Party time.

Jericho’s football team party. He had great teammates and coaches. He hates that it’s already over until next year. At least he has basketball to keep him busy a little while.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Losers, and winners.

Poor boys came up against two strong teams today, lost both games. They played really well though, not bad for mostly newbies.

Date night! Our pool game is hella rusty...but we managed to pull out some wins.