
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Never ending.

Another night in a gym. Hayden’s and Xander’s Rose Valley team won their first game tonight. Xander is really rusty, but managed to make a couple baskets and even a free throw. After it was over he actually said "That was fun, when is the next game?" glad I talk my kids into things sometimes. Hayden had a good game and managed to take it easy on the kids. 

 We are so very busy, Fridays and Wednesdays...thus far, are the only days of the week I'm not hauling 4 kids between activities. Hayden is on 2 basketball teams and a softball team. Lily is in bowling and in the middle of rehersals for a choir performance, and softball for her is starting soon. Xander and Jericho are both on basketball teams...with baseball coming soon. When I'm not dealing with kid stuff, I'm making farm calls to ultrasound, trim hooves, remove horns, give shots to various people's animals. I am having a hard time getting studying done. I keep hoping things will slow down soon....but they won't. 

 I'm still putting off my pharmacology proctor...because once I take that I need to find 200 hours to intern at my local vet clinic. Deep breaths. So many drugs to learn for the Pharm final.


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