
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Over it.

Living in Washington, one of just nine states that still have mask mandates, we are all still forced to wear masks. This week a lot of students at the public schools in our state, and our specific area, have been holding peaceful protests outside of their schools. Students holding signs and just doing what they can to peacefully let people know the kids are tired of this. I’m sure the adults are tired of this. I’m sure most of the teachers that have to enforce this mandate are also tired of it. My 7th graders asked if they could participate, I told them to be respectful and go for it. I don’t think Covid is made up, I do think Covid can be very serious especially to those with underlying conditions. Our family was fortunate and had a mild case when we got Covid last year, and we haven’t had it come back again. That said, I don’t think Covid is going anywhere. Masks and these shots are not getting rid of Covid. I think it’s like the flu, you’re not going to cure it, you’re not going to make it go away…our systems are going to have to learn to deal with it. I hope we are about ready to carry on. The protest went off well. I guess lots of adults, parents and not, showed up to join. They even ordered a bunch of pizzas for the kids…who because they left the doors of their school were locked out and missed lunch. From what I hear they got lots of honks for support, and sadly lots of people drove by and flipped the kids off as well. How embarrassing. So proud of these young people for standing up, also glad our kids stayed respectful. 
We gotta move on guys, time to get back to "normal". 

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