
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Looking up...maybe.

Hayden had an orthopedic consult today. Doctor is hopeful that Hayden will not need surgery. She said no sports for at least another 6 weeks, and another recheck in a month. Going over the original MRI the meniscus did suffer damage on both sides, one a bit more than the other. The Doctor feels both are not bad though. She also says the ACL shows a really minor sprain...and the overall knee shows slight strain. Nothing she feels will need surgery to repair. I am hesitant to call Hayden healed without another MRI to prove it...she plays too many sports, and gives them her all, to not be sure. They gave Hayden a different knee brace, this one has funky hinges. Fingers crossed. The weirdo liked the paper shorts and took them home LOL.

Xanders team suffered their second loss of the season tonight, by 1 run. Xander survived his first pickle, but in the end they fell. Hopefully these can brighten the mood. Hope they are as good as everyone says.


Monday, May 30, 2022


Grateful. Never take for granted our hard won freedoms and rights...or be so quick to give them up. 
I did it. I survived the first vet tech externship. Clocked about 250 hours and learned so much. My last day will be Wednesday and I’m already missing it. Put together a little gift basket for the best staff ever.

So silly. Jericho hanging out will Eleven.
He has a new favorite show...can you guess.
This may help...Jericho's drawing on a dry erase board without looking at a picture. Not bad kid.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Danger Zone.

My anti makeup kid came home from a sleepover with makeup on. She was sat on and endured a small makeup application LOL. She secretly thinks she looks pretty.  

We made the kids watch the original Friday night so we could go see Top Gun Maverick tonight. It was excellent.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Ups and Downs

Hayden rocks. Told us about the best thing that happened during her school day today…. 
Hayden (yelling/singing in the hallway at school while walking to her next class) “Go to college” Hayden’s Science teacher (yelling/singing back across the busy hallway) “or university” 
Hayden “Get a real Job” 
Hayden’s Science teacher “That’s what they said to me” 
Hayden may have a new fave teacher LOL. My punk rock kid. 
The ups and downs of vet tech life. Being part of humane euthanasia is not something that I can do without tears yet. On the flip side, this sweet semi feral barn kitty came in for a spay, ended up giving birth to 4 babies just before going into surgery. Never a dull moment, 10 hour days fly by.

 Someone that wants to kill a bunch of kids is not a law follower in the first place. They will find a way sadly. We need to stop focusing on the tool and start focusing on how to protect people. Hint...the answer is not to disarm the law abiding public.

Monday, May 23, 2022

So tiny.

My first ride in the mini truck. Once I got over being scared we were going to die, it was actually pretty fun....except all the stares we got. It is so small it doesn't even look like a real car Hahaha. The dump bed made taking a load of junk to the dump so much easier. Jason got his lift put on tires. It is pretty cute, and driving on the opposite side of the car doesn't seem to bother Jason at all. Me, I am no good at driving a stick no matter which side of the car the shifter is on LOL. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Beautiful day for a wedding.

We had so much fun at Jason's cousin's wedding today. They picked today many many months ago and got super lucky with such a gorgeous day. The bride looked beautiful...the crowd was so fun, even got everyone line dancing. 

They make me look short...and I'm 5'8" tall! The trio are all about to pass me up. They are so big, can’t believe 14 is just around the corner.