
Monday, May 16, 2022

Doctors, kittens and baseball.

Hayden got in to see the Doctor today. He is thinking it is an LCL strain. There is heat and swelling, but not too much pain on range of motion. Doc thinks Meniscus and ACL are ok, thank goodness, but having an MRI done tomorrow just to be safe. No sports until MRI results are back. She hates being benched.

A little kitten spam...I snapped a few pics when the sun came out this afternoon.

Baseball games for the boys. Xander's team won...they have been on fire. He caught a big fly ball in left field, and Jericho got one in the right field almost at the same time. Xander hit a double today...and got a little time playing at 2nd base. Jericho managed to hit every time he was up to bat. Their season is almost over...always just when things are starting to click.


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