
Sunday, May 15, 2022

Tournament weekend.

The Illusion girls won their first game!!! They worked hard. Hayden had a couple great at bats including a triple. She has been amazing at 1st, so glad she is finally getting the chance to learn a new position. She misses catching bombs in the outfield, but loves the action of infield work. She had her first  HARD tag out today. The girl tried to slide under the tag so Hayden had to go a little heavy and pretty much knocked them both to the ground LOL. Her coach says he is always getting compliments on how hard she plays from other teams coaches. She had another amazing play short stop. Hayden has never played short. Last second they changed Hayden from 1st to short between 3rd and 2nd. First play, Hayden narrowly caught a fly for an out and then threw to 3rd for a double out. Crowd went wild. So proud of this kids hustle. They ended up 1 loss 2 wins today and took 3rd place. 

Sadly her basketball team is still not seeing the wins quite yet. These girls fought hard. Hayden got hurt early in the first game today, and didn’t get to play in the second at all. Two good games, tough losses. Please, fingers crossed Hayden’s hurt knee is not serious. Ugh.

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