
Friday, February 28, 2014

Rocks stars and ER's.

My sisters new hubby Trent, they married last May during our Vegas trip, is a Dentist, his Dad is a Dentist, their friends are get the picture. Well after Hayden's last dental appointment where we were told she needs an expander glued in to try and correct her crossbite, to the tune of about $800, I called up my brother in law for a second opinion. Trent talked to his Dad who just happened to have a friend and fellow Dentist visiting. They all got to talking about Hayden at dinner, looking at pictures of her bite and in a crazy twist of fate this Dentist friend happens to have a son who is also a Dentist...and he has a practice about 10 minutes from our house LOL. I was instructed to take Haddie over to see this Dentist, so I did. He has agreed to do the work for half the price as a friend of the family discount...pretty awesome! Jericho came with us to see the new Dentist today, time for impressions to be made.

I didn't know how Hayden would take it, I tried to explain that she just had to sit very still with this putty type stuff in her mouth...I played up that there would be NO shots, I think that really helped LOL.
Haddie with her game face on...she wasn't scared but very unsure which makes her look pretty darn serious Hahaha,

Top impression first...thumbs up for Mom.

Then the bottom, looking a little funny there Hayden. She did so great...sat totally still until the stuff hardened we didn't hear a peep out of her. I was pretty impressed, the lady doing the impressions was even more impressed I think LOL. She told Hayden she wished all their kid patients were as big a rock stars as she is, this made Haddie beam. The Dentist wants to wait anther 6-9 months on the expander though, he is a little worried of doing some damage to her molars roots, since they will be attaching to those teeth. He wants to let the roots have a bit longer to get fully in and strong, so we will probably have to go back and do this whole process again next year...but at least we know Hayden will do fine.

When we got home it was time for lunch and I made the kids a special treat to celebrate Hayden doing such a fabulous job. These are the best muffins I have made from Skinny Taste...for sure my go to now! Chocolate chocolate chip banana...yummy!


3 1/2 ripe medium bananas, mashed
1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1 1/4 cups unbleached all purpose flour
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp butter, softened
1/3 cup sugar
2 large egg whites
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup chocolate chips
2 tbsp confectioners sugar (optional...for glaze, we skipped this part)


Preheat oven to 325°. Line a muffin tin with 12 liners.

In a large mixing bowl cream butter and sugar with an electric mixer. Add egg whites, bananas, apple sauce, vanilla, and beat at medium speed until thick. Scrape down sides of the bowl.

In a medium bowl, combine flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt with a wire whisk.

Add flour mixture to bananas, then blend at low speed until combined; do not over mix.

Fold in chocolate chips and pour batter into muffin tins.

Bake on the center rack for 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

 If making the glaze, combine confectioner's sugar and 1/4 to 1/2 tsp water to make a glaze. Drizzle over each muffin.

1 muffin is 156 calories and 4 grams of fat...without the glaze. I think next time I will cut the sugar in half, and maybe the butter too...just seems with all the banana, applesauce, cocoa powder and chocolate chips you can probably cut back on those things without noticing.

These were so good, super moist and fluffy, when I ate one fresh out of the over I thought for a second they weren't cooked all the way because they were so moist. They were still great cooled...not that I ate two today or anything ;) I am super glad these turned out, because tonight's dinner did

It is bound to happen, you can't love everything, we have run into only a couple Skinny Taste recipes that we didn't like...over the almost 6 months that we have been making them. Tonight's was one of them...though it may be one we will try again with a couple tweaks. Crock pot Kalua pig. Looks good right...too bad I couldn't even eat half of this, it was WAY too salty for us. Now if you usually like salt on your food you may not mind, Jason took the left overs to work to give away, and lots of the guys loved it. The meat came out amazing...we will probably try it again, just with a lot less salt. We are that strange family that doesn't put salt in anything though...we don't even own a salt shaker LOL, so this just tasted like a salty mess...the boys didn't even like it Hehehe.


3 lb pork shoulder blade roast, lean, all fat removed
1 tbsp liquid mesquite smoke
1 tbsp coarse sea salt


Place pork in the crock pot and stab it all over with the tip of a knife.

Rub sea salt all over pork. Drizzle the liquid smoke all over and set crock pot to low; cook about 16 hours.

Remove from crock pot and place on a large platter. Remove any fat you may have missed and shred pork with two forks. Discard liquid reserving a little as needed to keep pork moist.

 4oz 160 calories and 7 grams of fat.

Dinner wasn't the only mishap tonight. Jericho cut his finger on a metal can...which ended up needing an ER trip, wasn't I just talking about how surprised I was that my wild little man hasn't injured himself a lot more LOL. It was a pretty deep cut, that even after 20 minutes of pressure just wouldn't stop bleeding. Thank goodness Jason was here...not only to take Jericho to the ER while I stayed home with everyone else, but he is such a calming presence. I wasn't freaking out, Jericho wasn't freaking out...he actually didn't even cry throughout the whole ordeal...little stud muffin. I love that Jason can remain calm and help keep me calm too, he is awesome to have around in an emergency.

Every time we tried to remove pressure, after the first 10 minutes, with in a couple seconds it would be dripping fast again.

Silly boy.

I think our medical kit needs a little updating...couldn't find proper tape so scotch had to do.

Trying to wrap him up so he could make it to the urgent care without making a mess.
A pic from the ER...looks like he will be getting some "glue" to close the cut. The Doc said the cut was pretty deep, if it had been in another area he probably would have gave it a stitch or two, but where it was worked great for the glue. Jericho never cried during the whole thing, and he was so still and patient. He is a rock star too! We didn't know what to think...when our normal Tasmanian Devil is all sedate we worry just a little LOL.

The walking wounded...Pineapple can 1, Jericho 0 LOL.
What an end to February whew.

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