
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Partying, rain or shine!

My Sis Allie, niece Rowan and brother in law Trent flew up from Vegas for a short weekend visit. It ended up being extra short when her original flight to Portland was cancelled due to weather conditions, putting them getting here a whole day later than planned. We ended up with only a day and a half to spend together, but we made the most of it!

 Today was Allie's 34th birthday too! We haven't gotten to be together on her birthday in like 16 that makes me sad. The girls asked me for paper and pipe cleaners, then they made these paper flowers for their Auntie's birthday bouquet...all by themselves, no kidding, from idea to execution they did it totally on their own.

Being 5 months pregnant is a lot of work :) The triplets are soooo excited for a new baby cousin!
The kiddos spent the morning playing together, building forts and having a great time.

Xander too, when he could pry himself away from Mario...they are getting better though, thank goodness LOL.

Miss Rowan, you are so silly!

Then of course Lily had to do a silly picture too.

Cute Bug!
We decided to get the kids out of the house. 40 degrees and showers, lets go to the Zoo with five 5 year olds and a 3 year it! Thankfully with Uncle Scott and Auntie Amber, Auntie Allie and Uncle Trent all with us we had plenty of eyes and hands!

Peace LOL

Check us out....not too shabby for a couple of old broads in our mid 30's, cheese and crackers when did we get old?!

The kids did so great, they stuck together, listened, had fun...even though a lot of the animals were lazy or no shows.

Pretty cool pics!

An old friend of my sisters met us at the zoo with her twin 4 year olds and their baby brother. My girls LOVED the twins, everyone took turns holding hands pretty much the rest of the day. So cute!
Now that is how you roll to the Zoo!

One of the monkey's was acting up today, she actually scared the kids...and my brother, banging and kicking on the glass as hard as she could. Xander told everyone to give her some space, he is probably more right than he knows, poor girl.

We ate our picnic lunch inside, it was too darn cold outside...the Zoo in March cray cray...but fun LOL.

Then we got to see the baby elephant "Lily"...which Bug thought was an awesome name for a cute baby elephant.

Next up the triplet lion, baby animals grow so fast, and I thought my kids get older every time I blink. They were super cute...and super muddy from all their playing.

Dad and Mom were keeping a close eye on the trio.

These guys got awesome selfies with the lion cub looking over their shoulder through the window...I was totally jealous LOL.

Playing in their den.

I was hoping the third one would of come out and lined up...I love it when my trio line up, it just would have been so cute to get a pic of the lion trio lined up LOL.

The third sister was too busy playing with logs to cooperate.

The keepers called the babies in so we moved on, and found a grisly scene in the Wild Dog area. We have never seen the zoo give them this kind of dinner/entertainment before, it was kinda gross to see the calf 1/4 hanging there.

The Cheetah's were resting in a great spot.

Everyone in the jeep for a photo op!

Always a fun stop...but the dang Mongoose is almost never out.

It was actually a great Zoo visit...and 3 hours of running and walking should make for very tired kids tonight!
Big Al's birthday dinner at The Cheesecake Factory...there goes my diet for today LOL.

Typhoon punch...yes please!

Silly kids!

Uncle Rick joined us for dinner.

I ordered Allie the birthday treatment, dessert, candle, song and all funny!

Make a wish Sis. We loved getting to spend today with you guys...XOXOX!!!

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