
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Just what my hair did NOT need.

Nothing like getting some gray paint in your I didn't already have enough problem grays.
I did a lot of touch up painting today. Friendly suggestion, use painters tape...don't listen to your will not be fine, you will have to go back and do things again anyway.
I had to clean up a lot of paint and stain overage today...totally avoidable if we had just taped stuff up.
The kitchen drawers got a second coat of stain today.
The floor sanding starts tomorrow. We put some plastic up, in hopes of keeping the insane amounts of sawdust we are going to see from invading every square inch on the house.

We are getting close...another couple weeks and I think the house will be done. Yay, then we get to relax...NOT. Then we get to pack, move, deal with our old house. Things should settle down just in time for us to catch a flight to Vegas in May LOL.

Project start to finish
Walk through.
Day 1 remodel.

Wowie we have some big kids. We did an impromptu weigh in today. My 4 1/2 year olds are...Xan 45lbs, Haddie 47 lbs and Bug 44 lbs. Jericho is a whopping 28 lbs LOL. I should have got their height too, now I'm curious :)

Xander and Hayden have been waking up dry for weeks and weeks now. Tonight, with a little push and a promise of a treat in the morning, they went to bed without their pull ups. Fingers crossed!

Speaking of potty issues...a little Lily funny. Having the trio potty trained is awesome. Lily though likes to cut it close at times. We were out to dinner last night when she had another close call. Full on doing the pee pee dance as I try to get her pants down while she is yelling "I'm going to go, I'm going to go!" Thankfully she made it, and as she was going she said "ahhhh mission accomplished." LOL!!!

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