That was a tight fit LOL!
Xander was very interested in what we were doing with his "castle"!
I may not love this house...but I do love our giant back yard! So nice that a truck can fit back there and we didn't have to try and haul that heavy mother by hand!
Our dogs were pretty excited with all the hoopla going on.
As soon as the truck was gone and it was safe to let the kids out, Daddy had a whole lot more help than he probably wanted Hahaha.
Xander and Jericho made getting the slide put on first a must....Jason didn't even get all the bolts tight before they were slidding down.
Dad working fast to get the last one on, you can see Jericho is already climbing up for another turn :)
The boys wanted to help.
Then Jericho snatched an apple out of Jason's bag and began devouring it. Only with my demands and his siblings crying did he share LOL.
This part under here was used as a sandbox before. Sand and 4 kids tracking it into my house...oh HELL NO hehehe. I think we are going to get more wood and give it a floor and some small built in bench like seats.
Jericho does a little work, while Haddie gets a bite of the community apple.
It started showering on us, we stayed out and kept working for another hour or so. The trio loved playing in the rain, Xander was out holding up a bucket...I tried to tell him at this rate of rain it will take him a year to fill up that little bucket.
Lily found a little piece of plastic and said it was her umbrella.
Dad kept trucking.
His apple, that has only been dropped on the ground 4 or 5 times, is almost gone :)
Next the vultures set their sights on the neighbors raspberries. Thankfully he hung another big branch over the fence for them.
Hey...make room for one more :)
Haddie found a tiny baby worm.
We took a break for lunch. After grub we put on a show, in hopes we could get some nap time out of the munchkins, and sure enough we had some pooped out boys.
Jason and I went back out to get things finished up. We need some new swings and to pressure wash it, but it looks great and will get sooo much use. Thanks again Jennifer, you are awesome!
Fills up our back corner nicely with the other little swing set...and there is still room for the kids to play behind the sets and talk to their friend Stone :)
We had to move some of their other toys up towards the patio more, but it all fits well.
I think it is just about time to take some of the dog side back...we left them with way too much anyway.
Jason and I were only out there for another hour or so, with us both popping our heads in to check on the kids every now and then. Even so, we came in to this....a nice Thank you for all our work outside getting their new toy together for them. Thanks to Jericho getting up on the counter, and Jason forgetting to put the eggs away after lunch...we had a nice mess to clean up. Well, the dogs helped LOL.