Saturday, June 22, 2024


I was thinking about hitting up the Tulip farm again for some pics. Haven't done that since the kids were little. Unfortunately, I missed it and they are done for the year. So the girls and I had a little photo fun at home. Who needs tulips when you have weeds...err wild flowers at home. Without horses to eat our pasture down it has gone crazy. I paid dearly for this...note to self don't forget your allergy meds if you plan to play with an allergen LOL. 
They did remake this old fave for me awwwww <3

Silly girls....dancing in the weeds.

Hayden is such a ham sometimes...she was cracking Lily up the whole time. This girl is a force of nature, so very talented, smart and kind. She allowed the tiniest bit of makeup, which she promptly washed off the second I was done taking pictures LOL.

Lily is the sweetest, most helpful, and entertaining person I know. Such a big heart, I just hope the world doesn't squish it.

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