
Friday, November 30, 2012

You're Gonna Miss This.

Tonight I was sitting in my trashed house with toys everywhere, had my 4 kids talking to me about a billion different subjects all at once...I was almost wishing for a moments peace.

Just then a song flashed into my head. 'Your Gonna Miss This.' If by chance you have been under a rock and haven't had the pleasure, look up Trace Adkins and give a listen.

I was suddenly very scared for the times ahead. The times when my kids not only don't trash my house, but don't even spend time in my house. When they don't talk to me and don't even want to come out of their bedrooms. I am making a naive as it may be, that WILL NOT be tolerated. My children will know, and even appreciate...since I am going all out here, the importance of family and togetherness...I swear it. They will not hide in their rooms all day, with what ever style of headphones are cool in the year 2021 attached to their heads 24/7; while simultaneously earning top score on whatever video game is popular and waiting for their hoodlum friends to text with direction to the nearest party where there will be underage drinking and God knows what else. It can not be allowed. I won't be so silly as to ask that they stay my babies forever...but I sure as shit am going to ask that they stay a full fledged present and active member of this family. Now I am going to go and tell them my plan and expectations. I am sure they will be all ears :)

Kisses anyone...wub.
My canvas collection for my photo walls are growing, slowly, but it is growing. I can't wait to be in the new house so I can try my hand at a photo wall!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rocking with Auntie Stacie!*

We all loaded up and took a day trip to Bend. 6 hours in the car went really well...of course we will probably pay for it tomorrow LOL.

I saw this guy on our way out of Portland, AWESOME...if we had been on his side of the street I totally would have given him $2. We have our tickets bought...I can't even really imagine $580 million dollars.

Jason's Dad's house is all ready to be rented,  it looks great! Auntie Stacie found some nice renters and if all goes as planned they will be moving in December first...and plan to stay a long long long time!

After Jason did a little work on the closet doors at the house, we stopped to have dinner. I think Shari's just may be our new fave, this was one of the few times the kids not only ordered happily but ate EVERYTHING served to them. Yay for Mickey Mouse pancakes and fruit!

 After dinner we finally told the triplets the big surprise we had been hinting about all day! They love their Auntie Stacie!

We got there a few minutes early to surprise Stacie...she didn't know we were coming to the show, or bringing the kids. I think she was pretty happy to see us :)

The littles did a great job, and even though they REALLY wanted to go mess with everything...and get up on stage to "Rock with Auntie Stacie," they didn't touch anything...and only needed a little reminding. Jericho needed more reminding LOL.
Big HUGS for Auntie!

We got the kiddos ear plugs...of course none of the munchkins would keep them in. We only stayed about an hour and a half so hopefully no lasting damage was done LOL.
 First song of the night. Miss Stacie sounds amazing, and it didn't take long for the trio to hit the floor and bust out with some fresh moves LOL. This was our first chance getting to hear her with Voodoo Highway...they are a great group! All the clips are short...enjoy!
Do not get too caught up in the dancing cuteness to notice Haddie up right infront throwing up the horns at her idol :)
Jericho joins the his little waddle step!
If you want to hear more of the amazing Miss Stacie, the chick that is so awesome she sings for two bands!, check out some of her songs with Broken Down Guitars here.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Some changes are coming soon!

We have been recovering from Thanksgiving, just chilling and hanging out at home. Been pretty quiet on the blog. Well I have some exciting news...

My brother and Sister in law came to us with a big idea. We have joined them in buying a bit of a fixer house, which we will move into for the next 3 or so years, then we will sell it. It is going to take a good 2-3 months work before it is move in ready, but it should be a good place for us. It is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath (THANK GOODNESS,) bonus room and 2 car garage. The back yard is significantly smaller than the one we have now, but this house is on a cul-de-sac which is a HUGE plus.

It is going to take a lot of paint and new floors...but I think it is going to turn out great. Here are some before pics. I will post pics as we work...hopefully we will be moved in sometime in the late spring.
It is cute!
The garage is huge...hopefully we can get our pool table set up in it eventually.

Entry way.
Kitchen. Some tile and granite will do wonders!

Living room. We plan to do Pergo or something through out.

The bonus room...also will have a little room added for the washer and dryer in here.

The yard.
All the kids outdoor toys are going to be a tight fit.

Heading down to the bedrooms. It will be nice to be on the same side of the house as the kids. This worry wart Momma will feel much better in case of an emergency.

The only real draw back is we won't have a real dining room anymore...that is going to be rough.
The bathrooms are small...but hey there are two! New tub and shower, counter and tile will make it look like a whole new room.
The master, yeah the wallpaper will be going LOL. Pergo will be put down in the bedrooms too...I HATE carpet.

A bit of work to do in the master bath too.

One of the other bedrooms.

And the 3rd.

I am going to link all the posts about the house remodel.
Project start to finish
Walk through.
Day 1 remodel.
Shopping trip.
2 week mark
Kids get to see house finally
More painting
Adding another project
Sanding start
Bathrooms just about done
Granite installed
1st coat of stain in kitchen
Kitchen cabinet bases done!
Week 7
Hardwood floor sanding round 1
Floor sanding not going so great
Floor finishing started
Floors, floors, floors
8 1/2 weeks in
Trim and doors started
Closets done
Kitchen put back together
Odds and ends
Adding the purple
Kitchen DONE before and afters

A couple pictures that Xander took...he is getting better :)

Jericho never naps anymore, unless he is in the car. Today he passes out for 3 hours. So I amused myself with my camera phone LOL.

Speaking of Jericho. He is totally sleeping through the night in the trio's room and hasn't fallen off the boobie wagon even once. Way to go Lil Man!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A very Happy Thanksgiving 2012!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I am thankful for every path I walked that lead me to right where I am...truly where I was meant to be.
I am thankful for my amazing hubby, who stayed up until 2am cooking with me then got up at 6:30am to go to work and bust his butt to provide for us.
I am thankful for my wonderful children, who I love more than I can ever express...even my not quite two year old who snuck into the kitchen before I woke up and started on one of the pumpkin pies LOL.
I am thankful that I'm starting to realize as long as you have your family and friends love and support everything will be OK.
I am thankful that just when we really need something to work out it usually does.
Life is beautiful!!!! Cheers my friends :)

The scene of Jericho's crime spree this morning. I was just groggily coming to this morning when I heard Hayden say to Lily and Xander "Jericho has apple pie." I lay there for a split second, then my eyes popped open and I said "the pie." I jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen where I see the trio standing at the gate looking in. I peak my head around the corner and see that Jericho, after climbing over the baby gate, was standing on a chair leaning over the oven with his hand shoved into the pumpkin pie. He looks up at me, puts his pumpkiny hand in his mouth and says "MMmmm." He was a mess, pumpkin pie was all over his face and hands. I told him next time he should pay off the older three to be his lookouts. Had he shared the trio would have been quietly eating pie with him and I would have never heard them and come to bust him. Sharing is caring, as Haddie would say :)
I caught him red orange handed, but I was too busy doing damage control to get a "busted" pic LOL. I did later get this picture of the damage. Thank goodness we made two.
Mmmm the homemade mac & cheese...this is always a fave.
Love the crock pot version. We doubled it.
  • 8 ounces medium shell macaroni
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 cup evaporated milk
  • ½ cup milk
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded sharp Cheddar cheese or a Cheddar blend
  • 4 tablespoons butter, melted
  1. Cook the macaroni following package directions Drain in a colander and rinse with hot water. Drain well.
  2. Generously butter the sides and bottom of a 3½- to 4-quart slow cooker (I use about 2 tablespoons of butter).
  3. Combine the macaroni with the remaining ingredients in the slow cooker and blend well. Cover the slow cooker and cook on LOW for 2½ to 3½ hours, stirring a few times.
  4. If desired, spoon the cooked macaroni and cheese mixture into a baking dish, sprinkle with a little more cheese, and put under the broiler for a minute or 2, just until cheese is melted.
  5. When the macaroni and cheese is done, feel free to spoon into a baking dish, top with a little more cheese, and put under the broiler for a minute or two for that “fresh from the oven” look.
The appitizers this year.
Our fruit and cheese gobbler was very popular last year, so this year I made a cheese ball gobbler :)

You need.
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
2 packages cream cheese (8 ounces each)
1 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
3 dashes hot sauce (such as Tabasco)
Tiny pinch coarse salt
Tiny pinch freshly ground white pepper
16 ounces sharp orange cheddar cheese, finely shredded
4 tablespoons store-bought chutney
Dried cranberries, crushed walnuts, almonds and pecans.
Here's how.
1. Put butter, cream cheese, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, salt, and pepper into the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment; mix on medium speed until combined.
2. Stir in cheddar cheese and chutney. Form into a ball. If not using immediately, refrigerate up to 3 days or freeze up to 1 month.
3. Roll cheese ball in cranberries and nuts to coat before serving.

The kids demolished the appitizers. Even the veggies and dip!
Uncle Scott, Auntie Amber and Cousin Hailee were the first to arrive. The kiddos were so happy to see each other :)

Jericho looking spiffy.
Everything cooked up perfectly!

Of course the kids said they didn't like anything, they just wanted to get to the dessert I think. You can see Xander's phone...when Jason took over my old iPhone he let Xan have his old phone, it is not working other than as a crappy camera. Crappy or not Xander has been taking a butt load of pictures. He brought it to Jason today because it stopped taking pictures...apparently 2100 is the max capacity. Goodness child Hahaha! 

We finished up the dessert menu with this Caramel apple cake, it was a tie between the Pecan pie cheesecake and this for top honors LOL.

For the cake:
4 cups flour
2 teas baking soda
1 teas baking powder
1 teas salt
2 teas cinnamon
1 teas allspice
1 teas cloves
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, cut into 1″ cubes , at room temperature
2 1/2 cups sugar
2 large eggs
4 cups applesauce
For the caramel buttercream:
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/3 cup flour
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, soft but still cold, cut into 1″ cubes
1 teas vanilla extract
1 can condensed milk
Crushed peanuts (optional)

First fully submerge the unopened can of condensed milk (label taken off) in a water filled crock pot for 8 hours on low...then let cool until you can handle the can without burning yourself. Or you can buy caramel...but this tastes better :)

-Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease 3 cake pans, line with parchment paper and grease again; Set aside. We only had 2 free pans, so our cake was only 2 layers.
-Combine the flour, baking soda, powder, salt, cinnamon, allspice, and cloves in a medium bowl. Set aside.
-In the bowl of your stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Scrape down the sides and add the sugar. Beat for about 3 minutes more and scrape down the sides again. Add the eggs, and mix until incorporated. Scrape down sides one more time.
-Mix in the flour and applesauce in 3 additions starting and ending with the flour. Make sure to scrape the bottom of the bowl so that all of the ingredients are well combined. Divide batter evenly among the prepared cake pans and bake for 40-45 minutes, rotating pans halfway through bake time, until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
-Transfer pans to wire rack to cool for 20 minuets. Turn cakes out onto racks, remove parchment, and cool completely before icing.

Make the buttercream frosting:
-In a medium, heavy-bottomed saucepan, whisk the sugar and flour together. add the milk and cream and cook over medium heat until the mixture comes to a boil and has thickened, about 10-15 minutes, whisking occasionally.
-Transfer the mixture to the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Cover and beat on high speed until cool. Reduce the speed to low and add the butter and vanilla; mix until thoroughly incorporated. Increase the speed to medium-high and beat until the frosting is light and fluffy. You can cream in some of the a good portion of it to pour on top though.
If the frosting is too soft, place in the fridge for 15 minutes to chill slightly, then beat again until it is the proper consistency.

Assemble the cake:
Place one cake layer on a serving tray and trim to create a flat surface. Spread 1 1/4 cups frosting evenly across the top. Add the next layer, trim and frost it, and add the third layer. Crumb coat your cake and place in refrigerator for 15 minutes to set. Frost the sides and top with the remaining frosting. Drizzle caramel on top and cover the outside of the bottom layer in the crushed peanuts. Set in the fridge for 15 minutes to set before serving. We were in a serious hurry to get the cake done and served, so while it tasted fabulous, it may have looked better had we done this part slower with more cool down breaks.
This cake can be stored covered in the fridge for up to three days.

After dinner, while Jason and I were getting the cake ready, Haddie and Hailee had a little story time with Great Uncle Steve.

Somehow, -Xander-, my camera ended up in the kids bedroom and a bunch of unauthorized photos were taken LOL. The boy is going to LOVE one of his Christmas presents more than all the rest I think :)

Dessert time! They were all scrumptious!

Uncle Chris was threatened with getting "kicked off the calendar" if I didn't get an updated pic of him and the kids LOL.

Time to get going :(
We had a great Thanksgiving, so glad Great Grandpa Frank, Betty, Great Uncle Steve, Grandma, Pop Pop Randy, Uncle Chris, Uncle Scott, Auntie Amber and Cousin Hailee joined us! We have so much to be thankful for...and believe me, we are! Hope it was a good one for y'all too!