
Friday, March 15, 2013

Everyone was right, this stain is amazing!

Got to the new house today and the tree in our front yard all of a sudden has flowers. It is so beautiful, anyone know what kind of tree it is?

This is what my sweet children do when playing in the back yard for an hour or so. They pick lovely gifts for their Momma and Dad :) At this rate there will be no "flowers" left when we move in LOL.
OK on to business. Like I mentioned before I don't think I have ever stained anything...but I have heard enough tales to be scared Hehehe. Thank goodness for Pinterest and DIY'ers that share what they have learned with us newbies. This stuff rocks, like ROCKS! It is oil based, so kinda stinks, but it is not runny and hard to control. It is the consistency of pudding, and goes on super easy. We wore plastic...Doctor-ish...gloves then put a mans sock over top of that. A little goes a long way, you don't want to put it on too thick. Get some on the sock then rub it evenly with the grain until it is worked in. We are going to wait 24 hours then put on a second coat. Depending on how it looks after that we will either do a third coat or go ahead with a coat or two of poly finish on top.

First swipe.
Still wet, but dang it looks 100 times better already!

Looking good Jericho :)

First coat done...hope it looks as good dry as it does wet LOL. I can not believe how easy it was, though I am sure the doors and drawers are going to be a little more sucky. We also got quite a bit in places it wasn't supposed to go, some touch up paint will be needed when it is all done.

Project start to finish
Walk through.
Day 1 remodel.
Shopping trip.
2 week mark
Kids get to see house finally
More painting
Adding another project
Sanding start
Bathrooms just about done
Granite installed
1st coat of stain in kitchen
Kitchen cabinet bases done!
Week 7
Hardwood floor sanding round 1
Floor sanding not going so great
Floor finishing started
Floors, floors, floors
8 1/2 weeks in
Trim and doors started
Closets done
Kitchen put back together
Odds and ends
Adding the purple
Kitchen DONE before and afters

Today wasn't all fun though. Jericho had been feeling better today, I thought he was over what ever hit him a few days ago. Then as soon as we got home he threw up in the car. I got him out and took him inside, setting my keys on the counter...are you seeing where this is going...I took off his clothes and wiped him down. Then I grabbed a bunch of clorox wipes and went out to clean the carseat. The trio were still in the car and Jason was on his way home with dinner. When I got the seat clean I went to take my stuff inside....imagine my surprise when I found the door locked. Normally that wouldn't have been too big of a deal, Jason was on his way and in fact got there within 5 min. The problem was that Jericho not only locked the front door but the security "screen" door too. Which was keyed to our front door key when we bought it but for some reason the key no longer works on the lock. Raised in a security minded 'Police' home all the doors and windows were of course locked as well. I tried and tried to get Jericho to open the door, but while he is more than strong enough to slam it and lock it he is not strong enough to pull it open...he tried, then he got bored and took off his diaper, great. Jason tried a few different ways to get in, then ended up breaking his way in...nothing too hard to fix thankfully. Ugh I'm tired LOL.

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