
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Getting his sand on LOL.

Round 1 of sanding is done...just 3 more to go, with applications of crap in between each...then a buffing and a week staying off them and the floors should be done! It feels like we are never going to be done.

We still have the floor and around the doors trim to paint white and nail up...once the floors are all done. We also still have kitchen cabinet doors to sand and stain, along with the all the pieces of kitchen trim and the pantry door. Not to mention all the doors and closet doors in the house need a light sanding and then we will be painting those too. Then some final little things, put doors on the laundry room area, hang up the hardware in the bathrooms, get a backsplash up in the kitchen and get new outlet and light switch covers put on. Yeah, it feels like we are never going to be done LOL.

Jason said the sanding machine had a slight learning curve to get the hang of it, so he started in the bedrooms LOL, but that it really wasn't that bad. The edging machine is a little more difficult, but so far none of it has been as bad as he feared. It isn't over yet though...

Project start to finish

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