
Friday, March 1, 2013

More painting at the new house.

The munchkins had a fun day planned with Grandma today, while Jason and I went to spend the day working on the remodel project.
My little Picasso's...Hayden made this little face with her after breakfast snack (yeah like 5 minutes after breakfast snack LOL.) She called for me to come see and take a picture of her art :)

Of course since I took a picture of her art, the other kiddos wanted to make something for me to take a picture of too. Xander has a much more abstract flair Hehehe.

 Lily made a face too.

Then Hayden added to hers.

Even Jericho got in on the fun...he is more of a minimalist I think :)

Scott and Amber were already kicking butt when we got there this morning. We are all trying hard to hit our April 1st goal! The next few months are going to be super crazy around here. Finishing the remodel and moving in March/April. In May all of us are going to Vegas for a week, for my sisters wedding and doing the 'PG' tourist thing...the kiddos are also getting a 1 day stop over at Disneyland (shhh they don't know!) Then June will be mad planning for the triplets FIFTH Bday (hold me) in July. Crazy, crazy, crazy!

I painted the kitchen today, while Scott and Amber took on the bonus room. I am loving the color, it is kind of a teal, but in certain light it looks more blueish/grayish.
The wood cabinets are staying for now, I am not usually a fan...I prefer white kitchens, but I think this paint color does good things with the wood...hopefully the granite will too.

The bonus room color turned out nice too. It is almost a peach-beige ish color.

We did the living room and halls in a very popular color...Revere Pewter. It is hard to see in some lighting, but it is pretty. We are working on painting all the trim in the house white...except for the kitchen, it helps so much! I can't wait to do side by side before and after pics of every room!

I got most of the hall bath painted today too. I didn't get to see it dry so I am not quite sure about it yet. It is supposed to be a grayish color but went on with almost a lavender tone to it. Hope it darkens up a bit when dry....I still think it is pretty :) New toilet and tub are in, vanity should be going in soon too.

Project start to finish

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