
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Break is over...back to work.

Back at the new house today, these "finishing touches" are about to finish us I can tell you that. I just wish everything was done has been nearly 3 months ugh.

It has been beautiful today...the kids amused themselves with a Ladybug, which they informed their cousin Hailee did NOT have teeth for biting LOL.
We, like how I use 'we' when Jason is doing all the work?, got some more light fixtures up.

And the cable guy came out today...still need to get the wires behind the wall.

The munchkins discovered the old organ in the garage...and yay it worked. That was only mild sarcasm there LOL.

A little messy from lunch...silly girl.

What ever did Jason and I do to deserve so much love? Every single day we are smothered in hugs, kisses and many works of art...either handmade or hand picked :)

Giving the outside door trim a little face lift. 

All this playing out side has been wonderful, but it didn't take the kiddos long to discover there TV was functional.

That didn't stop everyone from giving a helping hand.
Looking good babe...nice job!

Project start to finish

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