Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Party planning in full swing!

I have been sooo busy with party decorations and trying to get things ready. Here is a peek of what I've got done so far. Martha Stewart I am not but for someone who hasn't used glue or glitter in probably 20 years it's not going too bad, if I do say so myself :)
I do wish I had my lil sis here to help...AKA Becky HomeEcky, she is great at this stuff! Or my friend Bel...AKA party Goddess!!
My sister did our inserts that went along with the invites. If you can't tell our theme is BUGS...mainly Dragonflies, Butterflies, and Ladybugs.

The invite and inserts.

Some of my home made decorations.

Some of the bought stuff...


Mommara said...

So cute. Yayy for 1st birthdays. I am so impressed with your glitter skills.

Anonymous said...

Grate Collection for Party planning.

Want more suggestions and tips visit Party Hire Sydney

Tif said...

Looks great, Katrina! Can't wait to see the decorations all hung up in person!

Photogrl said...

Looking great! I love the bug theme...SO cute!

Erin said...

You are reminding me how I need to get my rear into gear on first birthday planning!!

Our teeny babies are growing up~ *sniff sniff*