We pulled out one of the games they got for their Bday...Go Fish has never been so fun LOL
This time we just worked on taking turns, "hooking" the fish cards and putting them in each players boat. We will move up in dificulity as they get better.
They were really great about passing the fishing pole to the next person when their turn was over!
Then Jericho woke up and wanted to chew the cards so the game had to come to an end LOL.
Nap time did not go so well today, I think they were quiet for all of 20 min of their 2 hour nap time. This is what tired boys do when they play instead of nap.
Hayden was putting the babies down for a nap with Xander LOL...Lily wanted to join him too.
Then they took the babies to the "swing." I love how creative and imaginative they are getting with their play these days.
Lily interpreted for Hayden again today. Lily is by far our best talker, she is also the most clear..it comes in handy sometimes. Hayden was trying to tell me something but I wasn't quite understanding her. I asked her to repeat herself 3 or 4 times but was still not getting it. I just looked over at Lily, raised my eye brows and she told me exactly what Hayden was saying. She has done this a couple times now, and I thought it was very sweet both times LOL.
Bed time in big kid beds take 2...it was another good night. We could hear them running about playing for maybe 30 min but they settled themselves down and went to sleep. We went in to check on them before going to bed ourselves....I think we are going to need to look into a bed rail for Hayden LOL.
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