It was beautiful...but I did not really enjoy myself much. I just had my hair colored before we left on this trip...and I will say I came home today with a bunch of new greys. I HATE heights...and I down right have panic attacks if my kids are near heights. So was rough on me, and in turn rough on those around me LOL. Thankfully we had enough adults with us that there were plenty of hands to hold onto the littles.
Jericho and Rick were inseparable cute!
There were some amazing views. I took most of these pictures without really looking too hard at how huge, and deep, this thing is.
Hands were held like death grips. I was holding Lily's hand at one point and she said to me "Momma you are hurting my arm." I looked down and was pretty much white knuckled. I was a mess with worry, and seriously wanted to leave 30 min in LOL. I was like OK we have seen in, taken a few pics, I'm good lets go. Never mind that it is a 4 hour drive each way. I was overruled.
We were brave...we had 7 adults, two older boys, then FIVE 4 1/2 year olds and a 2 year old...hmm is that brave or nuts?!
So pretty to look at, now that we are all safe and sound at home LOL. I told my husband before we got out of the car that we were going in with 4 kids, we better come home with 4 too.
I was a freak out, I kept reminding everyone over and over to hold hands and keep the kids back from the edge...even though they were already doing that, I just couldn't help myself. I am so glad everybody put up with me :)
Trying to get some family shots.
Aww thanks for looking out for my precious cargo you guys!
Trent was trying to give me a heart attack. Lots of people were out on this ledge to take pics but I hated every second of it...and my kids did not step foot out there.
Look at those two idiots, they were laying down on the cliff looking over the edge. Cray cray!
This was killing me.
Then I wanted to kill not funny. I was crying when I walked back.
Uncle Scott, Auntie Amber and Hailee sat out on the ledge...better.
Rick, great picture...right up until he did the whole flailing arms pretending he was about to fall. I turned around and heart and nerves just couldn't take another second.
I got little after a rest for my hands to stop shaking and my tears to dry, I took some more pictures. That's me, taking one for the team :)
Jason does not have an issue with heights. He made me go out there too...though I wouldn't get close to the edge or stay put for longer than a second...we got a decent photo.
Rick is all excited because Jericho just called him "Uncle Rick" for the first time :)
I was so glad I could talk the girls into wearing their rainbow dresses my Mother in law and I made for them last year.
Yes I'll hold your hand pumpkin. Oops hurting your arm again :( So sorry.
The Sky Within...very cool.
Binoculars are so fun...even if you don't look out the correct end LOL.
Taking a break.
Then we had a funny encounter with some tourists from China. They didn't speak much more English than Jericho but they asked to take a picture with the kids. Jason and I are used to this...though it has slowed way down since around when the triplets turned 3.
My cute girls!
Some final family pics...yay it is almost time to get out of here LOL.
My special Mother's Day picture. I also got a cute card, and a promise of making my own fingerprint pot. The kids were very upset that they didn't give me a "real gift" LOL so sweet.
It was almost sunset, but I didn't want to hike out anywhere to get a good this will have to do :)
We did get treated to some very close Elk.
Rick getting a work out in.
I was trying to get a picture of everyone on the steps when more Elk walked right up on us. I called it and got my babies out of the way of these gals and their babies.
It was an amazing didn't take my anxiety long to dissipate, and bonus no nightmares about anyone falling off :)
I would have cried, too. Holy shit, man. I got a little woozy just looking at your pictures!
Oh man...I will not go back until the kids are at least 11 or 12. I think I would have been OK if I knew they had even an ounce of self preservation LOL.
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