The giant snake was a little close for Jericho's comfort. You should have seen his face when he realized that Jason was walking both of them right by the snake.
Out side we ran into Hello Kitty, to Haddie's great delight.
Then we hit up the M&M spot.
They were waving at the giant M&M characters LOL.
Look at the rainbow of M&M goodness!!
Everyone got a small bag of their favorite color.
All the street performers were out in force....and of course the kids were total suckers LOL.
Jason jokingly told Hayden she should go dance with Michael...and right off she marched.
She was having so much fun dancing with Mr. Jackson that Xan and Lily joined in.
It was the funniest thing to watch...people were whipping out their phones and recording it LOL.
Since he spent so much time with them we gave him a tip...then got a pic :)
Rick has a new little buddy. Jericho was stuck to Uncle Rick like glue.
Next we hit the Coca Cola store. Look at the sea of bears...I wanted one so bad.
Cute Jericho.
We took a little rest...going is slow with 5 little ones that want to stop and look at everything, we didn't cover as much ground as I hoped we would today.
Then the boys spotted "Spider-girl" so off we rushed.
They all ran right to her and gave her a group hug...oh yeah Disney is going to be FUN!
So cute...but man all these performers will run you out of dollar bills faster than any stripper LOL.
As we were trying to make our way to lunch the trio caught the attention of a puppet.
They were amazed, and didn't know quite what to make of him.
The guy was really funny...Rick gave Jericho a dollar to tip him, then Jericho took the dollar and tried to run off. The guy said "Look at him, he doesn't want to let it go...he must be a future account."
Mmm lunch time. As we were heading to the Cheesecake Factory the trio were ooh'ing and ahh'ing Caesar's statues and ceiling. Thanks Uncle Rick for the lunch treat...that was super nice of you.
They have fish in there as big as my almost 5 year!
Tonights dinner was hosted by my soon to be brother in laws family. My sister Kim made it in from Cali and got to meet her nieces and nephews for the first time.
My nephews, who I hadn't seen in about 6 years, are so grown up now! Christian, 13, was such a fun playmate for the kids...he was a huge hit. They were taking turns shooting baskets, when the trio missed...which was more often than not, he would follow up with an assist and get the ball in the hoop for them :)
Nice form dude :)
Good effort Haddie.
Lily getting a high five after she actually made a basket by herself.
Nice shot Haddie, that one's going in! Next year we work on proper shooting LOL.
Jericho got a turn too!
Then the toys started getting pulled out. Before the night was over a race car, quad and dirt bike were driving around...that was about when we left, no quads or dirt bikes yet please LOL.
Ice cream...this is the look I get when I say no to seconds.
Messy boy.
A couple of the grown ups warm up for a game.
Time coming through.
Rick and Christian took on Jason and Amber. It was a good game, pretty close at the end...but Jason and Amber took home the win!
After dinner we decided to release mom's ashes, since all 5 of her kids were together...and that doesn't happen very often. We started out with some comic relief, some bad...but funny, jokes about mom's trip to Vegas in the know "where's the trunk." What do you do when the whole situation and relationships are so messed up.
We also had some laughs about the pineapple bag. That is the actual bag the funeral home gave us...what funeral home picks a pineapple as their company logo??? I mean I know it is Florida and all but really...LOL.
After some words from most of us, and tears, it was time for a final goodbye. We love you Mom, it's not all OK...but we are alright, and we are moving on.
Love you guys. We need to do a better job of staying in touch. As my friend likes to say... Love your people!
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