Hi, welcome to our blog...thanks for stopping by! This blog is mostly about our life raising triplets and a singleton, but I do on occasion go off on a rant about this or that. We also have lots of crafts that we make with the kids, some pretty bomb recipes now and then too. In the summer of 2015 we bought 10 acres and started our small family farm. Lots of animals, dirt, work and fun! If you want to read our story from the beginning go to the Blog Archive and select April 2009. Also entry titles with a (*) have video clips...I try to keep them short and they are so fun to watch! Enjoy your stay, come again soon :)
Friday, February 17, 2017
Spring countdown.
My goat momma's are on the home stretch now. I am starting to get nervous, I wonder how many kiddings I need to be a part of before I feel confident and prepared for anything.
Heidi and Lulu got to switch places with Hooch today and move back in with the girls.
"Hello from the other side"
Jericho is still sick, but came out for a little bit.
Baby ladybug's, soon to be baby goats...this all screams spring!
Hooch is not happy to be alone over there....we are planning to add another buck this summer.
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