Hi, welcome to our blog...thanks for stopping by! This blog is mostly about our life raising triplets and a singleton, but I do on occasion go off on a rant about this or that. We also have lots of crafts that we make with the kids, some pretty bomb recipes now and then too. In the summer of 2015 we bought 10 acres and started our small family farm. Lots of animals, dirt, work and fun! If you want to read our story from the beginning go to the Blog Archive and select April 2009. Also entry titles with a (*) have video clips...I try to keep them short and they are so fun to watch! Enjoy your stay, come again soon :)
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Late nights.
I think we have been hitting the remodel work too hard, and too long over the last couple weeks. Jason especially has been working too hard I think, where did my totally easy going hubby go, I don't know but I hope he returns soon. We took a short shopping trip today that didn't go well...according to Mr. Grumpy Pants. I had to clear things up for him and told him...."hey no one was kidnapped, got lost, got hurt, opened anything or broke anything, that is a good trip in my book...a little whining is just shopping with 4 kids who are having a rough day."
I wish I could say a break was in our future, but if we want to be moving in by May 1st we are going to have to keep hitting it hard.
Uncle Skunk was having fun entertaining the munchkins today, while working hard...a little Simon Says, Red Light Green Light, and story telling is fun for everyone :)
Busy little bees, so much still to do. LAME.
Ready for more fun.
I wish it wasn't so cold...Lil Dude doesn't love being all bundled up LOL.
Trim is getting close to being done!
Starts getting dark fast.
Staining some 1/4 round for the kitchen....still have a lot of cabinets to finish up too.
Bug and Jericho decided to call it on the play time and got in the car to watch a movie.
Tree climbing in the dark. You would think after all the activity and staying up passed bedtime the kiddos would maybe, just maybe, start sleeping in a little. Not so far...ugh.
Thanks Wendy! Yeah, right now the door is a dingy yellow...it was already like that and needs to be redone. Jason hates the color it is now, I was thinking a brighter yellow or that robins egg color you found. I think somthing that will pop will work great with the entry, hall and livingroom all being that gray/taupe color.
Is the inside of the front door painted yellow? It looks like it is, and I like it :) Is the hall gray? It looks great so far.
Thanks Wendy! Yeah, right now the door is a dingy yellow...it was already like that and needs to be redone. Jason hates the color it is now, I was thinking a brighter yellow or that robins egg color you found. I think somthing that will pop will work great with the entry, hall and livingroom all being that gray/taupe color.
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