Friday, May 8, 2015

Mother's Day gifts from school!

I got some awesome Mother's Day gifts today. The kiddos, and teachers, have been very busy at school. Jericho brought home a little pot that he painted, and this amazing photo booklet.

He is too darn cute, when he got home from school on the day they took these photo's he got hit in the eye by the neighbor kids flying toy and ended up with a black eye and a little glad he did it after the photos were already taken.

I totally love these pictures, what a great gift!

He has the best preschool, one of the few things about us moving that I am not happy about is Jericho not getting another year at his preschool.

Wonderful job little man, Mommy loves it!

The trio also brought home some great Mother's Day gifts.

These books had me cracking up.

My mom's favorite food: Xander wrote salad, Haddie put down pumpkin pie and Bug added chocolate pie.

My favorite colors.

My mom is happy when: Xan and Hayden both wrote that I am happy when they clean!! Lily wrote I am happy when she makes me breakfast.

Possibly my fave page in the book...My mom's favorite thing to do is: Xander wrote sleep, Hayden wrote take pictures and Lily wrote play My Little Pony with her. Do my kids know me or what LMAO!!

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