I have never been this tired on Christmas before, by 6pm I was ready for bed. Putting together the kitchen took us forever last night, we didn't get to bed until almost 3am. We were up at 8:30 this morning, doing chocolate chip pancakes with the trio. Once breakfast was over they were turned loose in the living room to discover their new play kitchen and basketball hoop. The hoop is still too big for them, but the kitchen was a humongous hit. About 10 am Uncle Scott and Auntie Amber came by for a visit. They left about 2:30 and then Grandma stopped by, the babies had one long day of gift opening and play time. They didn't want to nap very long today plus the rough night of sleep they got last night so by the time 7:30 rolled around they were ready for bed....and so were Jason and I LOL. Lots more pics of todays fun, I have some video too so I will probably back track and add it to this post in a few days...just too tired to do it today. Hope everyone had a safe and happy Holiday!
How the kitchen started out
The trio seeing it this morning
The kitchen came with 2 metal pans and 2 metal utensils...they did not last long, thankfully no one has a concussion or hearing loss LOL
Food and dishes for their kitchen

The girls first baby dolls

Lots of kisses from Hayden :)

and some from Lily Bug Even Xander wanted to check out the babies
Their own little TV remotes and cell phones hopefully they will leave ours alone now...doubt it. 

Hayden was too funny today, everytime we gave her a present she relocated it across the room and came back for more, she didn't start opening them until she had a small pile built up LOL
Play time with Uncle Scott and Auntie Amber

Then it was time to open their gifts The girls cute new shoes

Xans pimpy new shoes
Some T-shirts
Toys from Auntie Allie, Uncle Rob and Cousin Rowan