Our group walked in memory of triplets that were recently born too soon...and all the babies that have to fight to live.

On our way!
Grandma was nice enough to come with, it was a good thing, the trio wanted to play musical hands the whole way.

Lily made it about 20 min then she got on Jason's shoulders and rode the rest of the way.
Done...it took us about an hour and a half to walk almost 2 miles...not too bad.

Everyone was pooped and took a nice long nap when we got home. Xander had another mishap about 20 min in to his nap though. He started crying loudly so Jason went in to check on him. Xander had his arm stuck behind his head, because he tried to take his shirt off and got himself all tangled up. This boy!
When the kids woke up I let them pick a movie to watch. They wanted to see The Lion King, they have watched it before but I can tell they are grasping it more. Thank goodness they still have the attention span of a gnat though, I almost had to explain why Simba's dad wasn't waking up :(