Hi, welcome to our blog...thanks for stopping by! This blog is mostly about our life raising triplets and a singleton, but I do on occasion go off on a rant about this or that. We also have lots of crafts that we make with the kids, some pretty bomb recipes now and then too. In the summer of 2015 we bought 10 acres and started our small family farm. Lots of animals, dirt, work and fun! If you want to read our story from the beginning go to the Blog Archive and select April 2009. Also entry titles with a (*) have video clips...I try to keep them short and they are so fun to watch! Enjoy your stay, come again soon :)
Well my crazy girl did it, 3 runs, 3 passes...1 new AKC CAT title to add to her name! She is hooked on this fun game...we just might have to work for the next step up title. A big thanks for the wonderful photos goes to Nina's Photography! This dog is amazing....there is nothing she can't do, and do well!
Running all day every day on 10 acres has made this girl a beast!
We took the dogs to an AKC lure coursing event today. The kiddos got to play at the playground while we watched dogs chase down "bunnies" on a pulley system. It was great fun...and so cute to see just how much most of these dogs love chasing that lure. The barking from those in line awaiting their turn was loud!
The playground kept the kids busy for hours...we arrived at 7:30 in the morning and didn't leave until almost 4. Looong day.
5 year old rock wall climbing star!
"Look Mom, it's like American Ninja Warrior" LOL.
Lycan and Kitsune had never seen anything like this before...no practices first or anything. Dina felt confident that they would do great...I wasn't as sure.
I was wrong LOL.
They were naturals...and came home with 2 qualifying runs today. Hope they get their 3rd tomorrow, then they will have their CAT title!
Kitsune was of course a nut. She acted like she has been doing this forever. She ran her 600 yard course in about 47 seconds...not bad for a newbie!
Woo we are getting some hot weather...love it! The critters are watered all the time, so they can beat the heat. The pig know how to do this best, they drink, roll around in their big mud puddle and then spend the rest of the day lazing in the shade. Yup, pigs know all about beating the heat LOL.
Dad checking on his little brood, he is a good boy.
Dad and daughter naps.
Rocker and Goth getting some belly rubs.
Lunch time. They have grown so much!
Queen Bee...the little girl we are keeping from Uni Piggies litter.
Rocker...that face!
The huge tank that is Bohemian on the right...I think that's Goth on the left.
These two litters produced some nice piglets. Long bodies, level backs, no bowed legs, curvy thick booty's, nice teats, healthy playful babies with great temperaments....very impressed with these babies!
They are cute to boot!
The girls spent some time picking berries today and we made fresh blackberry cobbler. They love picking berries and making stuff with their proceeds.
The goats got out to enjoy the sunshine and eat some blackberry leaves.
I finally broke down and got in the pool today. I do not like cold pools, we are looking for a way to warm it up...probably not going to make it happen until next year though. It was so hot today I just had to.
Of course this meant some silly swimsuit pics were in order...in Lily's hat. We fell off the "Skinny Taste" wagon a long time ago...need to get back on it, but I'm glad we didn't fall too far.